It’s no surprise that traveling with kids is exhausting!
The sometime harsh realities of traveling with kids is exactly why I was so excited about the chance to collaborate on a blog with Catherine from To and Fro Fam: Travel Tips for Real Families.
How to survive summer with kids, travel and sunshine
Doesn’t this look like a fun road trip?! These parents will definitely need a vacation from their vacation!
Before I send you to the blog so you can fill your heart and mind with #allthings helpful for traveling with kids, I’ve gotta tell you a funny little story!
When you travel, your kid sleeps where?!
During my interview call for this piece with Catherine, Lincoln, my 2 year old son, was actually napping at my mom’s house. We were in the middle of our 31 night summer vacay, and I was getting my “Mom Boss Hustle” on while he was snoozing. PS — The consistent nap time work session was one of the only ways I could make a trip of that length work for me (and my business). Traveling with kids is hard, but it’s more manageable if you have a plan in place!
Anyways, Catherine had a few specific questions for me including, “Where is best for kiddos to sleep while traveling”. She then asked if I ever recommend that clients try to rent houses so their children could have their own rooms, and what I advise for hotel stays when house rental isn’t an option. I felt it only appropriate to disclosed to her that Lincoln was currently napping in the CLOSET at my mom’s house.
She and I both shared a giggle and did some reminiscing about the odd (but safe) places that we have set up as sleep sanctuaries for our children while traveling.
“Raise your hand if you’ve set up your baby’s pack n play in a closet while on vacation: I have! #noshame This make-do technique gets the thumbs-up from pediatric sleep expert Brittney. “If it means the best sleep for everyone and it’s safe, then there’s no need to second guess yourself,” she says.
If you still feel weird about it, listen up: Brittney—the expert sleep specialist—recently put her son to bed in a pack n play in a closet at her mother’s house while they vacationed. If this trick is good enough for a pediatric sleep consultant, it’s good enough for me.”
Headed on the road with kids?
Be sure to read the full post, FOOLPROOF YOUR KIDS’ SLEEP SCHEDULE ON VACATION: 13 EXPERT TIPS, before your next adventure. Or read it after getting home from a totally sleepless vacation, and kick yourself for not thinking of the 13 tips while you were on the road.
You can also reach out to me directly if your recent trip has you needing a vacation from your vacation. I offer fully customized sleep packages for families that are ready to get out of sleep overwhelm and into sleep dreamland!
Or if you are the proactive type, I also set up mini-consultations to prepare a family for travel before $H1T hits the fan!