Ready for back to school?
Toddler and child getting ready for school with Ready or not… Here it comes!
And no matter how experienced you are with this back to school season, most of us will be using this fall to get back into a routine for ourselves and our little(s) in the next few weeks.
We are expecting ourselves and our kiddos to make quite a few changes as the start of the school year approaches, and we all know change is hard!
Ready for back to sleep?
Middle school girl looking at iPad with much focus and concentration and she heads back to schoolReady or not… You should be!
You can see in this article written by my local paper, The Elko Daily Free Press, that sleep is VITAL for school-age children. In the article, I explain how sleep helps with growth, development, memory, knowledge retention, muscle repair, immune system boosting and overall mood.
With benefits like that, why wouldn’t you prioritize sleep this school year? Making sleep happens is easiest with a solid family routine/schedule. So put away the devices, let your head hit the pillow and rest up.
Read the article here!